Artist Statement
The unconscious mind is a reservoir of our experiences, ideas and images. This hidden realm not only forms the foundation of our individual characters, thinking patterns, and behaviours that make up 95% of brain activity, but it also connects us as humans on a deeper level through our collective unconscious.
I am on a quest to explore this subliminal space, taking an introspective journey to excavate the self. I want to find liberation through expression that is free from social construct and aesthetic expectation. To explore this space, I draw inspiration from the Jungian theory, Process of Individuation. I find ways to access the unconscious through various means of finding a state of flow, like meditation, automatic writing and body movement. In the studio, I adopt an impulsive and instinctive relationship to colour, materials, and techniques, remaining open to any possibility. I listen to monotonous repetitive music through headphones and work on multiple pieces at once in order to let go of control and create the optimal environment for flow state to emerge.
The work begins with pure abstract movement, and continues to dance between unconscious expressive marks and conscious symbols and forms. This abstract vocabulary of complex yet playful layers emerge through geometric patterns and grids that transcend the constraints of space and time on the canvas.
The dance between elements and layers in the paintings signals the impossibility of remaining solely in the realm of the unconscious. Taking these elements from my abstract lexicon, I extend my artistic expression into various mediums such as installation, sculpture, and murals. This is an attempt to hold the unconscious experiences that feature in the present reality and offer them a space of their own to exist as symbols and beacons of the unconscious.